Tips and Tricks to Help You Design a Life You Love

Join along as I share tips, tricks, and encouragement to help you through even the craziest of seasons; after all, everyone deserves to live a life that they love.

What I’m Loving Right Now

I had an encouraging thought the other day. It has been established that being a mom is a tough gig. I often find myself wondering how it was for my mom when I was young. She had 3 under 5 at one point and that makes my head spin. Although I am sure she had […]

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No Limits: Just Progress

I did it. I finally went back to my beloved kickboxing class after more than two months of being gone. It felt so good. I was able to keep up with the class and kick a little booty along the way. Granted, I wasn’t back to 100%, but more than ever I feel like I’m […]

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My Journey to Stepmom

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Sleep Smarter, Not Longer

April is Stress Awareness Month. But, if you are anything like me, you don’t need a special month to remind you that you’re stressed. I’m aware. So I started to research the link between how we take care of our bodies and stress. Which brought me to sleep. Ahhh sleep. I do love the sound of that. Having […]

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Smell The Roses: Simple Ways To Help You Live in the Moment

When was the last time you actually stopped to smell a rose, or any flower for that matter? If you are a mom of little ones maybe it was today when you were walking to the park and your kiddo picked you a flower- I love it when they do that! Maybe it was last week at […]

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Plan to SUCCEED everyday

This past week was pretty good, a bit overwhelming at times with the kids, but overall good. I feel like I do my best to make a daily plan but inevitably life gets in the way and for one reason or another I don’t end up doing the things I set out to do. I […]

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The Healing Powers of a HOT shower

I am back at it! Back to being a weekend solo mom. The month of February went super fast and was jam packed with emotion and life lessons. To say that my family and I are a bit drained is probably an understatement. My husband’s normal weekly schedule is flying Friday-Sunday. So It is (for […]

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Energize Your Day

I have been thinking about energy levels lately. Particularly my own. There are so many articles, tips and tricks out there about how to get and stay energized. I know that I personally google and research this particular topic a lot! Being a mom, feeling tired definitely comes with the territory however I do believe […]

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Pushing the reset button: A Healthy Focus

Well, where do I begin. February was quite the roller coaster month. It was pretty much all about the surgery and recovery. That last part has proven to be far more difficult than both my husband and myself anticipated.  I am currently 3 weeks and 1 day post surgery(but whose counting). The four week mark […]

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Keeping it Real

As Im sitting here trying to write this post I am pretty much a blubbering mess. The past couple days have been rather difficult.  To sum it up, apparently I have not been taking the title of this blog to heart. It sounds great and all, but when you get down to the nitty gritty, […]

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