
Pushing the reset button: A Healthy Focus

March 4, 2016

Well, where do I begin. February was quite the roller coaster month. It was pretty much all about the surgery and recovery. That last part has proven to be far more difficult than both my husband and myself anticipated.  I am currently 3 weeks and 1 day post surgery(but whose counting). The four week mark […]

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Well, where do I begin. February was quite the roller coaster month. It was pretty much all about the surgery and recovery. That last part has proven to be far more difficult than both my husband and myself anticipated.  I am currently 3 weeks and 1 day post surgery(but whose counting). The four week mark is when I will be cleared to lift more than 10 lbs…MY BABIES!! We have certainly been figuring out ways to make the restrictions I have work for our family, and other than that slip up early on it has been mostly smooth sailing. The pain level is diminishing with each passing day and I find myself being able to act and feel normal the majority of the time. With that new found energy and stamina the inevitable thoughts are starting to cross my mind. 


I am beginning to look in the mirror and wonder what happened to my muscles…the ones I worked so hard to build for all those months. How sad it is that it takes so much time to get them but they so quickly disappear. I am also starting to feel that ache in my body: the one that when I drive past the kickboxing studio makes my heart jump; and the one that is telling me to “RUN ALREADY!!! DO SOMETHING active! I know this is probably all normal, however it is hard to come face to face with the reality that I truly have my work cut out for me on the path back to being fit and feeling confident in my skin. I will say that one thought throughout this whole process keeps coming back to me as I continue to try and keep things in perspective. I am SO grateful for the blessing of a healthy body that allows me to take care of my home and family; as well as workout and be active. It is a sentiment that I don’t want to take for granted. 


In addition to the physical side of things, I have begun to turn my attention back to what I put INTO my body. Before the surgery I had these grand plans and ideas about juicing and eating only clean foods during my recovery. SO…lets just say that is not what happened. Although I was somewhat careful to eat healthy there were many times when I was not up for cooking and all I wanted to do was lay in bed and eat: ICE CREAM!! Luckily I don’t feel like I got too far off track, but I do see a need to refocus my time and energy on my health. 

This is our haul for the big three days of whole foods and clean eating! 

This is our haul for the big three days of whole foods and clean eating! 


Almost a year ago, Todd and I attempted to follow the Whole 30 plan (If you want to know more please feel free to email me). I am by no means a pro at this program and truth be told we only lasted 12 days! It is definitely a lot of prep work and hands on time to plan and prepare the meals, so to add that into our already crazy life felt a bit…well, crazy! On the bright side, we did learn a lot and have since incorporated many of the ideas and recipes into our daily life. In a nutshell it is eating clean: more specifically eating only: fruits, veggies, meats, nuts and seeds. I share this because we once again felt that urge to give our eating habits a kick in the pants. This go-round though I have decided to be realistic with our goals. Our plan is to do a WHOLE 3!!! Even just writing that feels attainable which is what we are after! My aim is to take these next three days:3/3/16- 3/5/16 which is in itself interesting…lots of 3s!…meant to be:) and apply all of the principles from the Whole 30 plan. For me, I know when I am getting off course with my health, and a couple of days to clear away the clutter is always helpful and a good place to start.


Check out our breakdown of the whole 3 weekend for more specifics on what we ate and some recipes! I will continue to update it with my thoughts and tips for pushing the reset button on our health! 


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I'm Sarah, a mom on a mission to simplify and create space in every area of my life. 

I help women clarify their priorities, optimize their energy and design rhythms that promote a healthy and consistent balance each and every day. 

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