
Energize Your Day

March 6, 2016

I have been thinking about energy levels lately. Particularly my own. There are so many articles, tips and tricks out there about how to get and stay energized. I know that I personally google and research this particular topic a lot! Being a mom, feeling tired definitely comes with the territory however I do believe […]

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I have been thinking about energy levels lately. Particularly my own. There are so many articles, tips and tricks out there about how to get and stay energized. I know that I personally google and research this particular topic a lot! Being a mom, feeling tired definitely comes with the territory however I do believe that there are a few tweaks here and there that can help. I have started to notice some patterns throughout my day that aren’t exactly making me feel the energy love, on the contrary they are bringing me down and making me feel tired and sluggish. The flip side to that is I have also taken notice of things I do that make me feel better! For some reason those habits seem a bit harder to sustain; and wouldn’t you know it, the habits that drag me down are the ones that come the most natural…hmmm. The other morning I was writing in my journal(which is one of those things that makes me feel good) and I started making a list. I wrote down the top 5 things that deplete my energy stores and the top 5 things that help give me energy! The list looked something like this: 

Top 5 Energy Stealers:

  • TV(especially during the day)

  • Being attached to my phone

  • Lack of or too much sleep

  • Obsessing/worrying about things I cannot change

  • Lack of exercise and improper nutrition(Too many carbs and sugar)


Top 5 Energy Enhancers:

  • Starting the day with a solid routine: for me that includes coffee; journaling and making a specific plan for the day!

  • Having a clean living and work space: this can be difficult with kids, but figuring out a way to stay ontop of the clutter always helps me feel free to tackle other things

  • Consistent sleep patterns: Going to bed and waking up mostly at the same time everyday as well as turning off electronics AT LEAST 1/2 hr- an hour before bed

  • Getting outside: whether it be for a walk; run or to play at the park with my kids, I always feel better when I get outside everyday(it is surprisingly easy with two young ones to spend the day inside “doing house stuff”)

  • Connecting with Family and Friends: again, with two young kids it is so easy to go about the day only to realize you haven’t had an adult conversation the whole time! Even a 5 minute phone call can do wonders to lift my spirits and get my mojo back

Clearly everyone’s list will look different but the basic idea of seeing these things on paper is helpful. My main objective in writing out these lists was to pinpoint the trouble areas in my day and to hopefully start moving in a positive direction. I picture getting to a place where I can make it through the day without a nap and only need 2 cups of coffee in the morning instead of a constant flow of caffeine.  For me I believe that limiting the habits that are wreaking havoc while at the same time implementing the ones that serve me well, will be a great way to slowly but surely find that energy level that I am searching for. Now if only I could get my two year old to sleep through the night consistently…but thats another post for another time!!:)

I'm Sarah, a mom on a mission to simplify and create space in every area of my life. 

I help women clarify their priorities, optimize their energy and design rhythms that promote a healthy and consistent balance each and every day. 

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