This past week was pretty good, a bit overwhelming at times with the kids, but overall good. I feel like I do my best to make a daily plan but inevitably life gets in the way and for one reason or another I don’t end up doing the things I set out to do. I realize that I could point to many things in my life as being the reason I might not always follow through with a set objective. For example: as I am attempting to write this paragraph I have stopped and started at least five times to do something for the kiddos. Of course, being a mom is a full time job and you don’t get (hot) coffee breaks or (uninterrupted) lunch time. That is the nature of the “job”. I am coming to a realization that I need to take control and be proactive if I want to be productive and fulfilled in ALL areas of my life. For me, this means setting my priorities for the future as well as the more measurable daily goals. Having a crystal clear list and time-frame is what takes the guesswork and frustration out of the equation.
As it stands right now our life is a bit chaotic. From an ever-changing work schedule to two members of the family only living here half of the time. I am struggling to find the peace that comes from stability and consistency. The truth is I have been striving for that for a while now. Ultimately something I have been thinking about is that I personally need to step up my game where I can. There are certain things, as with everyone’s life, that are out of our control. However, the things that I do have the power to change for the better, well- thats on me to take that leap or not! Everyday I want to challenge myself to be the best version of me. I know for a fact that I am more patient and altogether happier when I have a clear plan for the coming months, weeks, and each day. We have to find out what makes us tick, what gets us motivated and excited to be creative and productive on a daily basis. I am currently on that journey. Some days there are growing pains and it is tempting to go back to my comfortable habits. I want to commit here and now, to do my best to always be moving forward (even if they are teeny tiny baby steps) I will still be heading in the right direction.
The nitty gritty details:

My lifeline/Daily planner! I write in this everyday and it helps keep me on track!
For me, I want to make a commitment to myself to get up each morning at 630AM. Some people may not think that is a big deal, but for me it is! Our little one is still working on sleeping through the night and that makes for some difficult mornings. However, I know that I need to get up and get ready for the day so I am ready to help my family do the same. I also plan on talking through the next day’s agenda with my husband on most nights. That way we will all be ready to enter a new day with a clear focus! Lastly, I will buckle down and spend at least 3-5 hours of focused energy each week on this blog. I look forward to starting with these new goals ASAP. Of course I am realistic and understand that I will not be perfect, but I will do my best and AIM HIGH!

Pita chips and hummus for princess Anna:)

DA BOYS! Joshie started t-ball and his brothers are awesome fans!

Korean beef tacos…so simple and yummy!! Recipe from the 365 Slow Cooker Suppers by Stephanie O’Dea.

I have found an awesome combination for a hearty breakfast that keeps me full until lunch!! Pairing this CINNAMON OATMEAL with the MORNING RUSH SMOOTHIE is a guaranteed way to get in your greens early on as well as a healthy balance of protein and carbs.


I actually picked this book up at Barnes and Noble on a whim (it was a great price:) Turns out my mom had been following Stephanie’s blog: for awhile and it was right about the time I was starting this project! (meant to be!!) Let me just say that it has been the best purchase I made in a very long time! I own more cookbooks than I know what to do with, however I probably actually only USE a couple in a rotation. I have made something from this book at least once a week if not more! These recipes are simple, healthy and quick! I cannot ask for more in this stage of my life. Thank you Stephanie 🙂

I must say, I love a good cocktail. Now that the weather is warming up slowly but surely, I am all the more eager to create some go-to : light, refreshing and LOW CALORIE drinks.

After a busy day I find it very comforting to have a hot cup of tea! Yogi teas are some of my favorites: this is the Kava Stress Relief:)
Here is to a healthy and happy week ahead 🙂