Join along as I share tips, tricks, and encouragement to help you through even the craziest of seasons; after all, everyone deserves to live a life that they love.
Honestly, ever since I held the final product in my hands, I have had so much clarity and focus when it comes to honing in on the message and the mission of A Simply Big Life.
When I talk about seasons, it can be anywhere from a week, to a month, to a year, there are no rules. And it is a more general way of saying that it’s a specific time period where there is one overarching theme showing up for you in your life.
“I’m excited and hopeful to really have days that are intentionally built around what I value. And to focus on those 3 for that day. The [Simply Big Life] SBL community is so helpful to me, as this is a new way for me to think and plan my day. I LOVE it!”
“A Simply Big Life system of getting on paper everything that I see I need to get done, and then breaking it down to most valuable tasks for each day, has helped me really accomplish things on my mind instead of just trying to figure out how I can possibly get everything I need to done, and get overwhelmed with life. Sarah has a way of helping you forgive yourself for not trying to be Super Woman, and just break it down and take things one step at a time. Thank you Sarah!”
The beauty of this process is that it gets more simple as you move through it.
It is imperative to have our mind right when it comes to setting and ultimately accomplishing goals. Without first taking these steps to set the stage, our goals will feel lifeless and disconnected.
This is where the magic happens and a dream becomes a goal, a goal becomes a habit and thus you have entered into the territory of completing what you set out to do.
I have always felt like I was fairly “good” at checking in and connecting to what it is that i need at any given time. However, recently this ability has been challenged. These past few weeks I have been laser focused on my work and my passion, which is this blog and community. I have […]
Values: A person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgement of what is important in life. Life is a journey. We are all on our own unique path, in the process of navigating and finding our way. It is all too easy in today’s world to get off track and distracted from who we are, […]
When you are clear on your vision as well as potential roadblocks to achieving that vision, you are on the path to an intentional, meaningful and memorable few weeks.