
The Simply Big Life Planner

March 14, 2019

Honestly, ever since I held the final product in my hands, I have had so much clarity and focus when it comes to honing in on the message and the mission of A Simply Big Life.

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Clarity comes from action, not thought.

— Marie Forleo

I can hardly believe that it is here! The planner that I have been designing is finally here! To say I am excited would be an understatement. This entire process has been quite the journey. From having the idea to seeing it through to completion, there haven been so many great moments and others that were more challenging. But overall, the blessing of taking action, has been invaluable.

Honestly, ever since I held the final product in my hands, I have had so much clarity and focus when it comes to honing in on the message and the mission of A Simply Big Life.

Having a planner is amazingly helpful when it comes to living an intentional life. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a “planner” there are so many benefits that come from writing things down and having everything in one place. I tend to look at it as an incredibly helpful tool that will support you, your values and guide you as you pursue your goals and dreams for the year.

When I started A Simply Big Life, the desire on my heart to share with other women what I have learned and how I was able to go from living everyday in overwhelm and chaos to now, living with intention and aligned with my values.

I will tell you a true story…I still struggle! 😉 Of course I do! In fact, just yesterday I had one of those days that reminded me of that crazy feeling of not being sure which direction to go or what to do next. What really happened was that I lost sight of my values and allowed myself to get caught up in a much longer list- beyond my 3 most valuable tasks.

When I was able to pull the lens back and realize this, I was able to realign, refocus and commit to being even more intentional with the time I have. That for me is what the planner and A Simply Big Life is all about. When you are starting to get off track, simply go back to the basics. Remember your values, grab your planner and design your day to add the most value to you and to those around you!

My goal is to show you that you are not alone. If you are feeling overwhelmed by life and the daily tasks that feel unimportant. If you are feeling frustrated with your lack of growth or forward movement in any given area of your life. I see you! I get it!

Life has so many ups and downs and twists and turns. Especially when you start adding in extra humans to take care of (hello family)! It can be confusing to know where to even start.

For me, it all comes back to core values. Once you are clear on that, you can move through your days and your week with confidence, knowing that whenever you get a little off course, those values are there to serve as an anchor to keep you grounded. You can read more about how values play into the SBL method and philosophy here.

The planner serves as a physical and daily reminder that we are truly the designers of our life!

I can’t wait for you to begin designing your most valuable year and ultimately your most valuable life. It begins one day, one small step at a time.

I'm Sarah, a mom on a mission to simplify and create space in every area of my life. 

I help women clarify their priorities, optimize their energy and design rhythms that promote a healthy and consistent balance each and every day. 

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Clarify Your Core Values

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 The Peace and Productivity Planner 

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What matters to you? Like, really matters?

At the end of the day, you make time for what matters the most to you. If you're ready to get clear on your values and how to fit those into your day, check out my free guide by clicking on the iPad!

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Identify Your Core Values

Creating resources for busy moms to organize and plan their time in alignment with their core values.


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