Practice Gratitude

April 7, 2021

It is way too easy these days to get wrapped up in all the things we feel we are lacking. Whether its time, energy, beautiful things for our home, the list is never ending. When we allow ourselves to get caught in the loop of never enough, our tank immediately is depleted.  The irony is […]

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It is way too easy these days to get wrapped up in all the things we feel we are lacking. Whether its time, energy, beautiful things for our home, the list is never ending. When we allow ourselves to get caught in the loop of never enough, our tank immediately is depleted. 

The irony is that we are striving for MORE but what we get when we remain focused on what we still don’t have or what someone else has that we want, is that we end up with much LESS.

We also become disconnected from the reality of our situation. The truth is that we all have so many things to be grateful for. When we aren’t looking for those things, we allow our reality to become skewed and can only see the bad, the hard, the struggle. 

The solution to this negative self sabotage is simply, gratitude. What would happen if you recognize and take time to appreciate all the blessing that are already in your life. Not only that, but what blessings have you experienced over the course of your life. 

Gratitude is powerful stuff. It can reconnect us to the here and now in a big way. Look around and see, feel, take in where you are. Who you are with. What you are doing.

In addition to finding the good in your day, try taking the focus off yourself and your problems. Turn your attention to others and think how you can make someone else’s day. Ask yourself how you can serve them? It can be as simple as eye contact and a genuine smile, nothing fancy. This automatically helps to redirect attention away from what you perceive as your lack and allow the spotlight to shine on all the good things going on right now, right here in front of you. 

 Be mindful. There is good all around us. 

Action Steps 

1. Take a time out: 2 times today and write down or mentally note 3 things you are thankful for in that moment.

2. make a reverse bucket list

3. Make an effort to say out loud things you appreciate about those you love. 

Helpful Resources

Practice Gratitude 

I'm Sarah, a mom on a mission to simplify and create space in every area of my life. 

I help women clarify their priorities, optimize their energy and design rhythms that promote a healthy and consistent balance each and every day. 

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