
Have a Very Intentional Holiday Season

December 6, 2019

When we create space for our own personal growth and nourishment- however that looks for us- we are able to then turn around and give to others.

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So, we are officially on the other side of Thanksgiving and if you are anything like me, it took about one FULL week to recover! But seriously, I am just now feeling like myself again.

We did host and we did have a lot of moving parts, but there is something that tells me that I could have been more PRESENT and more INTENTIONAL. I do my best not to beat myself up. But on the flip side, I also find it necessary and beneficial to LEARN and grow from as many situations and circumstances as possible.

Otherwise what are we here for?

That being said, I am taking a beat to really think through how I want these next few weeks to look. I truly believe that we have the power to design our lives—one day a time—with each and every choice we make along the way. Applying that to the Holidays, when you take the time to get CLEAR on what your expectations are, then you will have the freedom to choose and to choose wisely when opportunities arise.

The first step to having an intentional holiday is getting crystal clear on what it is that you WANT and what would make this time enjoyable for you and your family. The key here is ignoring all of the voices telling you what you SHOULD want or SHOULD be doing– either actual people or the voices in your head.

Imagine the next 3 weeks as a blank slate (yes even if your calendar is jam packed with parties galore) stay with me here. If you and your family could do anything, what would you do. How would you celebrate? I would suggest sitting down and first doing a solo brain dump and then include the whole family in on the fun!

We do a weekly family meeting (check out this guide to help you organize your thoughts) and this would be the perfect time to sit down and discuss what are a few things that each person DEFINITELY wants to do or see. Once you know what is actually important to you and your people, these are the things that go onto the calendar FIRST! This way everyone is on the same page and you are on your way to a more streamlined and peaceful season.

That brings us to simplifying, or how I like to put it—clearing the clutter! Once you are clear on what you DO want, it’s time to edit some of the things that are not aligned with the new vision you have created. Yes, I know this can be a tricky thing when you have probably already over-committed yourself. But I promise, it is worth the effort to go through your calendar AND your TO DO lists ( I know you have more than one) with an eagle eye, to see which activities are not essential to you and your family having a great few weeks.

Personally, I had to do this when it came to how many nights out I had planned in December- they were starting to add up. Also, the number of projects and commitments I was trying to tackle when it came to the business were also compiling and creating some mental clutter in my brain. Part of what I did this week in addition to recover from Thanksgiving 😉 was go through my calendar and edit/ delete/ or delegate as many things as I possibly could. Boom. More space for what matters most.

Lastly, once you are clear on what you want and you have cleared the clutter, it is time to take care of YOU! I know, I know, you hear this ALL THE TIME…but there is a reason! We need to hear this. We need to know that we not only have permission to take time for ourselves, but it is a critical part of us being able to be present, and to have an intentional Holiday season with our loved ones.

When we create space for our own personal growth and nourishment- however that looks for us- we are able to then turn around and give to others. We only get this one life. Instead of running on empty and simply surviving the Holidays, lets make a choice right here and now to treat ourselves with love and respect this season. It does not have to be any grand gesture or major time commitment. A simple practice of checking in with how you’re feeling and a few deep breaths could be just what you need to re-energize and get back to the business of enjoying your life and your Holiday.

We all know how fast time goes. Instead of waking up on January 1 and wondering what the heck just happened, when we create an intentional Holiday Season, we are sure to create memories that last a lifetime.


Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make- makes you.

— John C. Maxwell

I'm Sarah, a mom on a mission to simplify and create space in every area of my life. 

I help women clarify their priorities, optimize their energy and design rhythms that promote a healthy and consistent balance each and every day. 

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