Yesterday was pretty major for me. I spent the whole day; while I was sitting in bed super sore; figuring out this site and organizing my thoughts. I went to bed feeling fulfilled in a new way that I haven’t experienced in a long time. There is something special about stepping out of your comfort zone and going for it. Whatever that thing is for you! I woke up and the first thing I thought of were ideas to share. The main priority now is to find a way to center my swirling thoughts and find a focus.
I do feel like I have a lot of areas that I am interested in but when I am gut level honest with myself it keeps coming back to three things: fitness; nutrition; and kids. Whenever I google something it is most likely one of those 3 subjects. Now the challenge is to take these things and create something I am proud of. I want to keep learning and growing and stretching my limits to see what I am capable of. Its way easier to stay in a comfort zone which is what I feel like I have been doing for too long now.
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That brings me to some practical tips: I am speaking to myself here! I always do better when I see my objectives on paper. I am a list maker! So to boil it down to my main goal and what I want to get out of this endeavor would be the first list I will make. I typically make a monthly; weekly; and daily to do list. That way I can see my overall goal and break it down into realistic bit sized tasks. Going a step further I have an ongoing to-do list on my phone in the paperless app! I do a general list and then break it down and pick from that list for things to do right away. This is not new information, however I feel like I tend to complicate things. When I give myself 1-3 things to do everyday, then cross them off when I finish, that brings a huge sense of relief and accomplishment!
After that I want to work on some time management skills. Putting aside time everyday to work on this project, which is definitely fulfilling and “me” time. Of course the daily routine with the kids: house, cooking etc is my full time “job” or as my brother said the other day: “more than full-time!” ha VERY true! I do feel like the concept of time management and creating consistent routines for myself and my family is a key to success. There is no one-size fits all answer for time management, every family is unique and to that end I will continue to explore what seems to work best and find the right fit for our family.