
It’s time for a Seasonal Reboot!

March 31, 2020

How are you? Take a minute to reflect back on these past few weeks. Have you been showing up in a way that makes you proud? Are you staying in alignment with your core values?

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These have been some CRAZY times!

Personally, I have been up, down and all over the place. But one of the things that has helped me to stay centered more than anything is the ability to pivot.

To try something out, see how it works and then being willing to go back to the drawing board and try again. Find another solution.

I want and need to feel my feelings and allow the emotions to come up, but for me, the key to moving forward is finding that balance between feeling frustrated and sad and then choosing how I want to feel in that next moment.

Doing my best not to stay in a place of pain and struggle.

Of course some days this is WAY easier than others. But I have found that when this is my over-arching intention, I have the confidence in knowing that I DO have the power to make things happen even in the midst of these unusual times.

And so do you!

How are you and your family doing? Take a minute to reflect back on these past few weeks. Have you been showing up in a way that makes you proud? Are you staying in alignment with your core values? Are you learning what it means to be truly flexible?

Some questions we can ask ourselves during this time are, “who do I want to be in the midst of this crisis?” and “How do I want my family to remember this time in history?”

This kind of heart centered reflection and clarifying is a big part of doing a Seasonal Reboot.

You are taking the time to reflect on the months that just passed and to set your intentions for the months to come. I will say that although this is a unique and challenging time, I still believe it is helpful and necessary for us to remain focused and clear around what it is that we truly want out of life. This will not last forever.

The Simply Big Life Planner is laid out in 3 month seasonal blocks. So, approximately every 90 days it is time to hit the REFRESH button.

That’s exactly what I did today. I hit refresh, and let me tell you, turning the page to see a new color and fresh, blank pages was just what I needed to feel re-energized and excited about the next 3 months. No matter how uncertain the future is right now, I am choosing to focus on what I can control and what I can create!

Are you ready to find a fresh perspective?

How to do a Seasonal Reboot

Work through the following questions and focus on the 3 months that are past(reflection) and the 3 that are ahead(intention).

  1. Core Values

    • Knowing what is important to you will lay a strong foundation and serve as a filter, to clear out things that are not serving you moving forward.

  2. Vision

    • How are you showing up in your life and for those you love

    • How do you want to feel

    • What does your life look like, paint a clear picture

  3. Reflection

    • What went well

    • What can improve

    • What can you let go of

    • What do you want more of

  4. Intention

    • What do you want to accomplish

    • Who do you aspire to be

    • How do you want to show up on a daily basis

  5. Plan of Action

    • What are the behaviors and action steps that will get you to your goals

    • What are the small habits and daily routines that will support your goals

There you have it. Your very own Seasonal Reboot.

I hope you are able to take some time to work through the questions and truly feel a sense of clarity and CALM wash over you.

Finally, even though the next few months may not be clear as far as the outside world is concerned, you and I can still do this work to take back our power and focus on all of the things that we can control and the things that we can make happen during this time.

If you find that you would like some additional support, I would love for you to join me for my group coaching program, Peace and Productivity.

Let’s stay connected in whatever way we can.

Have a great week!

I'm Sarah, a mom on a mission to simplify and create space in every area of my life. 

I help women clarify their priorities, optimize their energy and design rhythms that promote a healthy and consistent balance each and every day. 

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 The Peace and Productivity Planner 

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What matters to you? Like, really matters?

At the end of the day, you make time for what matters the most to you. If you're ready to get clear on your values and how to fit those into your day, check out my free guide by clicking on the iPad!

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Identify Your Core Values

Creating resources for busy moms to organize and plan their time in alignment with their core values.



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