
Journal Your Way to Calm

November 14, 2018

When writing down your thoughts becomes another item on your to do list. it is time to take a step back and determine what is important to you. This can be a very helpful tool in seeing the bigger picture more clearly. Where are we coming from and where are we going.

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Journaling has been infinitely helpful to me on my journey. I have so many journals from over the years its crazy! I am willing to bet that I’m not alone. Many of us have gorgeous notebooks but for one reason or another they remain empty. Untouched due to the fact that we are running around trying to live our lives and fit it all in, but by the time we have a minute to sit down and reflect, our brains are just done. 

When writing down your thoughts becomes another item on your to do list. it is time to take a step back and determine what is important to you. This can be a very helpful tool in seeing the bigger picture more clearly. Where are we coming from and where are we going.

We rationalize that we are too tired to write anything, let alone to write something worthwhile. Thats the thing, whatever you write doesn’t have to be pretty. It doesn’t even have to be cohesive or make sense. Simply the act of putting pen to paper will truly help you to focus your energy on exactly what you are doing in that very moment.

What’s more is that you can get all the floating thoughts from your head out onto the paper which then frees up more brain space.  We are all carrying around a very heavy mental load that adds up throughout the day. If we do not have a landing place to lay down the load, we will be carrying it around on a consistent basis. This is what quickly leads to overwhelm and frustration because we can’t seem to get clear on the next right thing to do.

Writing these thoughts down and being able to pin point some of our recurring negative thought loops will greatly increase our ability to be mindful and rooted in reality. With the end goal being able to enjoy and truly embrace the present moment. I like the saying, be where your feet are. So simple, yet at times hard to execute.


I know for me, I often get caught up in my head with the swirling thoughts that don’t seem to let up. Writing them down as they come is a great way to start acknowledging our thoughts good or bad and then ultimately moving forward.

Start small. Commit to filling one page per day. Honestly sometimes I write like I am trying to write a novel and other times it is gibberish and HUGE letters because something is screaming at me to get out. Try to pay attention to what your body and mind are communicating. Don’t edit what wants to come out. Simply pick up the pen, put it on the paper and go. 

Find a time where you will be uninterrupted for about 5 minutes. Personally I like to journal first thing when I wake up and then right before I go to bed. It helps me to start my day with a clear head and intention, then at night I unload thoughts that have built up during the day. I always keep a journal and pen on my bedside table. Occasionally I have a night where my thoughts are literally bursting out of me and if I don’t write them down, I can’t sleep. 

This is a tool. Not a should or a must do. But a calming method that allows for a stream of consciousness to be unleashed. It absolutely can become a habit and part of your daily rhythms. Take the time to reflect and see where your thoughts lead.

Happy writing 🙂 

The average person has anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. And the kicker is that 80% of those thoughts are negative. 

— Jennifer Hawthorne, Change your thoughts, Change your World,

I'm Sarah, a mom on a mission to simplify and create space in every area of my life. 

I help women clarify their priorities, optimize their energy and design rhythms that promote a healthy and consistent balance each and every day. 

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